
Curated content on clinical topics 

Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)

The AHA Acute Coronary Syndromes community is the place to find curated content covering the diagnosis and treatment of ACS and related topics.

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB)

The AHA Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) community focuses on advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the fields of arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology.

Behavioral Medicine

The AHA Behavioral Medicine community is a place to find new scientific developments in the areas of behavioral in medicine, considering the individual across the life span, the family, and the community including, ethnic and cultural sub-groups; also, at the population and global levels.

Brain Health Stroke and Neuroscience

The AHA Brain Health: Stroke and Neuroscience community is a place to find curated content related to advancing the science of stroke prevention, treatment and recovery through research and education.

Cardiac Development Structure and Function

The AHA Cardiac Development, Structure and Function community is where to locate content on the development and further knowledge in the field of cardiovascular development and function.


The AHA Cardio-Oncology community is focused on issues related to the pathology, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and end of life care of patients and their families/communities experiencing cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Cardiometabolic Health and Diabetes

The AHA Cardiometabolic Health and Diabetes community provides new scientific developments and advances in knowledge concerning diabetes as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Cellular Biology

The AHA Cellular Biology community is the place to find curated content related to the mechanisms of heart development, heart function, heart disease and other disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology

The AHA Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology community provides curated content related to the promotion of well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults with congenital and acquired heart disease.

Critical and Emergency Care

The AHA Critical and Emergency Care community is focused on integrated cardiopulmonary physiology, critical/intensive care, emergency cardiovascular care, pulmonary hypertension, and CPR.

Drug Discovery

The AHA Drug Discovery community will review and evaluate new medical/scientific knowledge in the field of pharmacological treatments and therapies for cardiovascular disease. The community will also interpret and communicate scientific information related to pharmacological treatments and therapies for cardiovascular disease.

Dyslipidemia and Treatments

The AHA Dyslipidemia and Treatments community focuses on revising/updating existing science advisories and guidelines related to the screening and treatment of lipid disorders. It also supports the AHA’s efforts to implement the organization’s primary and secondary prevention programs including the identification of benchmark programs for risk reduction.

Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias

The AHA Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias community provides curated content related to the evaluation of new medical/scientific knowledge in the field of electrophysiology and arrhythmia.

Epidemiology and Big Data

The AHA Epidemiology and Big Data community focused on the access and synthesis of CVD-related data, and provides advisory information to the AHA on the interpretation of CVD statistics, as well as research design and outcomes evaluation of CVD and stroke programs.

General Cardiology

The AHA General Cardiology community provides curated content for topics related to the evaluation and treatment of a wide variety of cardiac conditions.

Genetics and Genomics

The AHA Genetics and Genomics community is focused on the advancement, discovery and translation of biological insights gained from genetics and omics technologies to improve cardiovascular and brain health.


The AHA Gerontology community provides science related to aging, and will include participation from other prevention-minded societies, including but not limited to the American Society for Preventive Cardiology, Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association, and American Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation.

Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies

The AHA Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies community provides curated content related to new medical and scientific knowledge in the field of heart failure and cardiac transplantation.

Hypertension and Nephrology

The AHA Hypertension and Nephrology community is focused on excellence in clinical education, research, and advocacy related to the causes, consequences and treatment of hypertension and cardiovascular-related kidney disease.

Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

The AHA Imaging and Nuclear Medicine community is focused on diagnostic and functional imaging and imaging-directed interventions to reduce death and disability from cardiovascular, peripheral vascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Interventional Cardiology

The AHA Interventional Cardiology community provides curated content related to new medical and scientific knowledge in the field of invasive and interventional cardiology techniques and practices.

Metabolism and Physiology

The AHA Metabolism and Physiology community focuses on basic, clinical, and behavioral research in metabolism and physiology, as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Nutrition Science

The AHA Nutrition Science community provides scientific developments and advances in nutrition and/or diet as it relates to health and the occurrence or treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Prevention Health and Wellness

The Prevention Health and Wellness community focuses on wellness and prevention, specifically around the areas of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Representation from other prevention-minded societies is strongly encouraged to provide a broad perspective of interventions related to prevention and health.

Quality of Care

The AHA Quality of Care community provides a forum for a multidisciplinary group of experts who are committed to make a contribution to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke through healthcare quality and patient outcomes.


The AHA Signaling community focuses on the complex physiological and pathophysiological roles of cardiovascular signal transduction pathways.

Surgery and Anesthesia

The AHA Surgery and Anesthesia community is focused on improving the application of established surgical procedures and anesthetic techniques, increasing awareness of new issues in the field of cardiovascular surgery and anesthesia, and the dissemination of new knowledge to increase the number of patients who may benefit from safer and more effective surgical treatment.

Vascular Disease and Thrombosis

The AHA Vascular Disease and Thrombosis community provides curated, interdisciplinary content focused on improving the care of patients with vascular diseases and thrombosis.

Women and Special Populations

The AHA Women and Special Populations community focuses on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and stroke among women and special populations.

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