Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine (GPM)

Message from the Chair

Dan Roden, MD, FAHA

I am honored to follow in Carolyn Ho and Tommy Wang’s footsteps as chair of the Genomics and Precision Medicine Council. Our scientific mission highlights how our work embraces much of contemporary cardiovascular discovery and translation: to advance scientific efforts, education, and career development in genomics, translational biology, molecular epidemiology, clinical genetics, and to apply translational discoveries to clinical care. The tools we now have to address this mission make this an exhilarating time to be in cardiovascular science.

Dan Roden, MD
Chair, Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine

GPM Journal Bytes

A quarterly online publication of journal summaries brought to you by the American Heart Association's Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine.

Scientific Sessions 2023

Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 10, 2023
Scientific Sessions: November 11–13, 2023
Pennsylvania Convention Center | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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GPM Education

Attending the Early Career Next-Generation Sequencing Classroom at Scientific Sessions?
black male doctor

AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers


Current AHA Research Grant and Funding Opportunities

Grant and funding opportunities are posted throughout the year. Check out a complete listing of current RFPs and apply to fund your research today.

Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine journal cover

Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine

Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine is one of 12 AHA journals. It represents the Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine.

Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions

May 10–12, 2023
Boston Marriott Copley Place | Boston, Massachusetts