Success Rates
Program | FY 21-22 |
AHA/Enduring Hearts Research Awards in Pediatric Heart Transplantation | n/a |
AHA Institutional Research Enhancement Award (AIREA) | 30% |
Bugher Foundation Stroke Center | n/a |
Career Development Award | 29% |
Children's Heart Foundation Awards | 12% |
Collaborative Sciences Award | 17% |
COVID CV Consequences | 10% |
Established Investigator Award | 20% |
Health Equity Research Network | 8% |
Innovative Project Award | n/a |
Institutional Award for Undergraduate Student Training | 25% |
Merit Award | n/a |
Postdoctoral Fellowship | 25% |
Predoctoral Fellowship | 26% |
Research Goes Red Awards for Health-Related Social Needs | 50% |
Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Science | 100% |
Strategically Focused Research Networks | 33% |
Testing the Impact of Social Determinants of Health on CV Risks and Outcomes | 17% |
Transformational Project Award | 16% |
Success rate is the percent of proposals funded.
Application volume, declinations and funding priorities cause variances from year to year. This information should not be used to set expectations related to future success rates.