Council on Hypertension
Message from the Chair
The goal of the American Heart Association is “to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.” The Council on Hypertension aligns wholly with such goals by supporting excellence in research, education and patient care.
R. Ariel Gomez, MD, FAHA
Chair, Council on Hypertension
Hypertension Science News
The Hypertension Council actively participates in the publication of scientific statements or guidelines that are important to our members. We've included those along with articles or research that cover topics of interest to our members below.
Mark Your Calendars for Hypertension 2023
September 7–10, 2023Sheraton Boston Hotel | Boston, Massachusetts
Hypertension Simulation
Test your clinical assessment and critical thinking skills as you evaluate and manage patients with hypertension (HTN) based on newly released 2017 guidelines. In this set of 2 simulations, you will be immersed in a screen-based virtual environment where you will interact with a life-like virtual patient, complete with dynamic monitoring, dialoguing, diagnostic testing, drugs, intervention options and performance debriefing.
Current AHA Research Grant and Funding Opportunities
Grant and funding opportunities are posted throughout the year. Check out a complete listing of current RFPs and apply to fund your research today.
Hypertension is one of 14 AHA scientific journals. It represents the Councils on Hypertension and KCVD.
Trainee Advocacy
The Council on Hypertension fosters the development of early career professionals, including research scientists and clinicians.
Want to get involved?
The American Heart Association depends on the time and talent of volunteers to help us create a healthier world, free of heart disease and stroke.2018 Prevention Guidelines Tool CV Risk Calculator
This risk calculator tool is used to calculate your patients’ risk for heart disease and stroke using the 2018 ACC/AHA guidelines.
Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 10, 2023
Scientific Sessions: November 11–13, 2023
Pennsylvania Convention Center | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Scientific Sessions: November 11–13, 2023
Pennsylvania Convention Center | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
February 8–10, 2023
Dallas, Texas + Virtual
Abstract Submission open through Aug. 23, 2022
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