Stroke Article of the Year Award

Sponsored by the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing and the Stroke Council

To qualify for this Scientific Sessions 2023 award, you must meet the following deadlines:

  • June 7, 2023 – Deadline to have an active AHA membership with the sponsoring Council.
  • June 14, 2023, 6 p.m. CT – Deadline to apply for Scientific Sessions 2023 awards in the Council Awards System.

New deadline! For awards requiring abstract submission, the deadline to submit your science to Scientific Sessions 2023 is June 12, 2023, 6 p.m. CT

The Stroke Article of the Year Award recognizes the scientific and clinical contributions of cerebrovascular nurses in promoting the American Heart Association's goals. It also recognizes scientific excellence in cerebrovascular nursing science and encourages investigation that will further knowledge and skills in this area.

Award Recipients

  • 2022 Ann Leonhardt-Caprio, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, SCRN, FAHA
  • 2021 Gianluca Pucciarelli
  • 2020 Michelle Camicia
  • 2019 Eeeseung Byun
  • 2018 Barbara J. Lutz
  • 2017 Gianluca Pucciarelli

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must be a member of the AHA Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing at the time the application is submitted.
  • Candidate will submit an article on stroke that he or she has authored and that has been published in a referenced journal within the last two years.
  • The article must be of scientific merit; have a sound research design if applicable; be significant, timely, and original; have the potential to contribute to cerebrovascular knowledge and research; be well written, and include a review of the literature and application of research (if applicable)
  • The article must relate to the mission of the AHA and ASA.
  • An applicant may submit one paper for one article of the year award each year.
  • Candidate must be a registered nurse (RN) with an interest in cerebrovascular nursing and the first author of the article submitted.
  • An Article of the Year award winner cannot reapply for an article of the year award for at least 2 years.

How To Apply or Nominate a Colleague

The application file should contain the following documents in PDF format:

  • One cover letter of application and one nomination letter, or two nomination letters.
  • Published article reprint for consideration or, if not available, an article that is indexed, peer reviewed, and publicly available. The article should clearly relate to the goals of the American Heart Association and cardiovascular nursing.
  • Curriculum vitae, including bibliography.

Visit the Council Awards Application System to complete an application.

A username and password previously set up through online registration at Professional Heart Daily (PHD) will be necessary to access the Application System. AHA Professional Members who are creating an online profile for the first time should make sure to register using their AHA membership identification numbers.

An active AHA Professional Membership is required of all applicants for this award. If you are joining the AHA to apply, please wait for your AHA member number to arrive from AHA Member Services via e-mail before creating an online profile and starting your application file. We suggest that new members join the AHA no later than one week prior to the application submission deadline for the member ID number to be processed and delivered in time for the application deadline. The membership number will be required on the award application form.

  1. Click the link for the Council Awards Application System.
  2. Sign in with your Professional Heart Daily username and password.
  3. Follow the instructions to set up your profile in ProposalCentral. Setting up your ProposalCentral profile will only need to be done the first time you login to apply for an American Heart Association Council Awards.
  4. Once logged in, you may apply for the Scientific Sessions Cardiovascular Nursing Awards and select the Stroke Article of the Year Award from the award drop down list.

For more detailed information on ProposalCentral, also included are additional materials on specific ProposalCentral functionality.



  • Engraved plaque and complimentary ticket to the CVSN Council Dinner at Scientific Sessions, where the plaque will be presented
  • $500 honorarium
  • Complimentary registration to the AHA Scientific Sessions
  • Complimentary registration to the Stroke Nursing Symposium

The winner must agree to be present at the annual CVSN Council Dinner at Scientific Sessions to claim the award. The winner will also be invited to speak at the AHA's State of the Art Stroke Nursing Symposium held prior to the International Stroke Conference.


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AHA Professional Members are Difference Makers

Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 10, 2023
Scientific Sessions: November 11–13, 2023

Pennsylvania Convention Center | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania