Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation Distinguished Achievement Award
The scientific councils’ Distinguished Achievement Award recognizes individuals who have made major contributions to the affairs of a scientific council ;over a continuing period, and who have made substantial professional contributions to the field represented by the council.
- Contributions to new knowledge in the field
- Contributions to teaching and/or clinical care in the field
- Professional leadership in national or international organizations
The honoree must be a member of the Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation (3CPR).
The 3CPR Distinguished Achievement Award is presented every three years during the 3CPR Council Business Meeting and Awards Reception at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions.
Suggested nominees for the Distinguished Achievement Award may be submitted to the 3CPR Leadership Committee by email.
Award Recipients
2020 Marc Humbert MD, PhD
2017 Benjamin Abella, MD, MPhil, FAHA
2014 Kenneth Bloch, MD, FAHA
2011 Mary Townsley, PhD, FAHA
2008 Charles Hales, MD
2005 Michael Wolin, PhD, FAHA
2001 Richard E. Kerber, MD
1999 Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD
1998 Charles A. Hales, MD
1995 Aubrey E. Taylor, PhD
1992 Albert Hyman, MD
1989 Gerard M. Turino, MD
1986 Solbert Permutt, MD
1983 Claude Lenfant, MD
1980 Alfred P. Fishman, MD
The award will be presented at Scientific Sessions.
The honoree will also receive:
- Complimentary registration to the Scientific Sessions
- One complimentary tickets to the Council Dinner
- Engraved plaque
- Round-trip coach airfare to Scientific Sessions
- Hotel reimbursement (room + tax) for one night at the conference rate
- Ground transportation to and from the airport
- Meal reimbursement up to $70
- Join or renew as an AHA Professional Member
- Submit your application at Council Awards Application System
- Instructions for ProposalCentral, the new Council Awards platform
- Council Awards Application System (ProposalCentral) Help Desk: [email protected]
- Council Awards: [email protected]
- Member Services: [email protected]
- Password/Login: [email protected]
- Abstract Submission: [email protected]
Scientific Sessions 2023
Pre-Sessions Symposia & Early Career Day: November 10, 2023
Scientific Sessions: November 11–13, 2023
Pennsylvania Convention Center | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania