William W.L. Glenn Lecture

Sponsored by the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia 

The William W. L. Glenn lecture was established in 1989 in honor of Dr. William W. L. Glenn, a pioneer cardiac surgeon who made important contributions to the treatment of congenital and acquired heart disease. Dr. Glenn was active in AHA programs from 1957, and was the spearheading force in the activities of the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery (now the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia). He was the first surgeon to hold the position of President of the American Heart Association (1970-1971).

The Glenn Memorial Lecture is presented annually at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions. Honorees are selected by the Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia (CVSA) leadership and are invited to present a lecture on a topic of their choice.

Award Recipients

2022 Recipient
Bartley P. Griffith, MD
“Organs on Demand? Maybe”
Past Recipients

2021 Ralph J. Damiano, Jr., MD, FAHA
"The Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Paradigm of Responsible Innovation"

2020 Pedro J. del Nido, MD
"3D Imaging in Surgical Procedure Planning"

2019 Joseph E. Bavaria, MD
"Surgeons Leading and Embracing the Radical Transcatheter Revolution"

2018 James K. Kirklin, MD
"Large Databases in Congenital Heart Surgery and the Failing Heart: Path to Progress or Inertia against Innovation?"

2017 David Fullerton, MD
"The Pathogenesis of Aortic Stenosis"

2016 Friedrich Mohr, MD, PhD
"Innovation Strives The Treatment Of Aortic Valve Disease"

2015 O Howard Frazier, MD, FAHA
"Origin, Evolution and Clinical Application of Continuous-Flow Blood Pump Technology"

2014 Phillipe Menasche MD, PhD
"Stem Cells for the Treatment of Heart Failure : What is Still Missing for a Prime Time Use"

2013 W. Randolph Chitwood, Jr., MD, FACS, FRCS
"Less Invasive Heart Surgery: Will it fail or prevail?"

2012 Frank Sellke, MD
"November 2012 Advancement of Medical Knowledge: Lessons Learned from the Past"

2011 Hartzell V. Schaff, MD, FAHA
"Understanding Ventricular Remodeling after Correction of Mitral Regurgitation: Thinking Volumetrically"

2010 Joseph Gerald Reves, MD
"The Creation of Cardiac Anesthesiology"

2009 Thomas L. Spray, MD, FAHA
"Aortic Valve Surgery in Children: The Role of the Ross Procedure Today"

2008 Tirone David, MD
"Aortic Valve Sparing: Matching the Procedure to the Aortic Root Pathology"

2007 Eric Rose, MD, FAHA
"Fulfilling the Promise of Long-term Mechanical Circulatory Support"

2006 Richard Weisel, MD, FAHA
"Rebuilding the Heart: New Horizons for Cardiac Surgeons"

2005 Sidney Levitsky, MD, FAHA
"Protecting the Myocardial Cell During Coronary Revascularization"

2004 Timothy Gardner, MD
"Heart Surgery and the Brain: The Real Facts"

2003 L. Henry Edmunds
"Making Peace with Cardiopulmonary Bypass"

2002 D. Craig Miller
"Ode to the Mitral Valve"

2001 Sir Magdi Yacoub
"Heart Failure, the Last Surgical Frontier"

2000 Vincent Gott
"Marfan Cardiovascular Disease: Current Status of Medical, Surgical and Genetic Management"

1999 Gordon Danielson
"Ebstein's Anomaly: Historical Aspects and Current Management"

1998 Denton A. Cooley
"The Evolving Treatment of Heart Disease"

1997 Andrew S. Wechler
"Endogenous Myocardial Protection"

1996 C. Walton Lillehi
"The Birth of Open Heart Surgery"

1995 Jaroslav F. Stark
"How to Choose a Cardiac Surgeon"

1994 William I. Norwood, Jr.
"Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Evolving Therapy"

1993 Norman Shumway
"The Future of Organ Transplantation"

1992 David C. Sabiston
"The Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Lesions of the Coronary Circulation"

1991 Aldo Castaneda
"From Glenn to Fortan: A Continuing Evolution"

1990 John W. Kirklin
"Transposition: A Multi-Institutional Study"

1989 George A. Trusler
"The Cavopulmonary Shunt-Evolution of a Concept"


The award will be presented at Scientific Sessions.

The honoree will also receive:

  • Honorarium of $1,000
  • Complimentary registration to Scientific Sessions
  • Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Council Dinner
  • Engraved plaque
  • Round-trip coach airfare to Scientific Sessions
  • Hotel reimbursement (room + tax) for one night at the conference rate
  • Ground transportation to and from the airport
  • Meal reimbursement up to $70