George E. Brown Memorial Lecture

Sponsored by the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science

This lecture was established in 1935 by friends to honor the memory of Dr. George E. Brown. The first lecture was presented in 1937. Dr. Brown began his career as a general practitioner in the small community of Miles City, Montana and rose to chief of a section in the Division of Medicine of the Mayo Clinic. In the latter years, his clinical research was concerned chiefly with peripheral circulation. He was part of one of the small groups that was responsible for the formation of the Section for the Study of the Peripheral Circulation (later to become the Council on Circulation, now the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences) of the American Heart Association, and was elected the first Chairman of the Section. However, he did not live to preside at the first regular annual session.

The Brown Memorial Lecture is presented annually at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions. Honorees are selected by the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (BCVS) leadership and are invited to present a lecture on a topic of their choice.

Award Recipients

2022 Recipient
Sumanth D. Prabhu, MD, FAHA
“Alterations of the immune system in heart failure”

2020 David J. Lefer, PhD, FAHA
"The Renal Sympathetic Nerves and Heart Failure"

2019 Jane E. Freedman, MD, FAHA
"Thrombosis and Cardiovascular Disease: The Infection Connection"

2018 Howard A. Rockman, MD, FAHA
"Biased G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling "

2017 Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD, FAHA
"Precision Medicine and Clinical Trial in a Dish for Cardiovascular Diseases"

2016 Evangelia Kranias, PhD, MS, FAHA
"Unraveling Calcium Cycling Targets In Heart Failure"

2015 Joseph A. Hill MD, PhD, FAHA
Pathological Cardiac Remodeling: 2015 ± 20 years

2014 Jianyi (Jay) Zhang, MD, PhD
Patching the heart: myocardial metabolism, perfusion, and functional recovery

2013 Annarosa Leri, MD
"Cardiomyogenesis in the Adult Heart"

2012 Deepak Srivastava, MD
"Reprogramming Approaches for Cardiovascular Disease"

2011 Elizabeth McNally, MD, PhD
"The Interplay between Heart and Muscle Disease"

2010 Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD, FAHA
"Redox Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease: A Translational Research Journey"

2009 Harold Dietz, MD
"Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders: From Molecules to Medicines"

2008 David Gutterman, MD, FAHA
"Flow-induced vasodilation in the human heart: unique endothelial mechanisms and clinical insights"

2007 Roberto Bolli, MD, FAHA
"Use of Very Small Embryonic-like (VSEL) Stem Cells and Cardiac Stem Cells for Repair of Myocardial Infarction"

2006 Garrett Gross, PhD, FAHA
"The CYP450 Pathway and Cardioprotection"

2005 Stefanie Dimmeler, PhD, FAHA
"Deciphering the molecular pathways of endothelial progenitor cell mediated vascular repair"

2004 David Kass, MD
"Ventricular-Arterial Stiffening: Mechanisms and Consequences of Coupling Disease"

2003 Piero Anversa, MD
"The Role of Stem Cells of Myocardial Repair"

2002 Peter Carmeliet, MD, PhD
"Angiogenesis, Arteriogenesis, and Vasculogenesis: From Genetic Insights to Therapeutic Implications"

2001 Robert J. Bache, MD
"Bioenergetic (mal)Adaptation in Failing and Hypertrophied Myocardium"

2000 Richard A. Walsh, MD, FACC, FACP
"Signaling Circuitry in Heart Failure: Lessons from Mice to Men"


1999 Donald D. Heistad, MD
"Gene Transfer to Blood Vessels"

1998 Gabor Kaley, PhD
"Endothelial Control of Vascular Tone"

1997 James T. Willerson, MD
"Detection and Potential Treatment of Unstable Atherosclerotic Plaques"

1996 Thomas W. Smith, MD
"The Role of the NO Pathway in the Control of Cardiac Function"

1995 David G. Harrison, MD
"Interactions Between Nitro Oxide and Superoxide in Modulation of Vascular Redox State"

1994 George Cooper, IV, MD
"The Causes and Consequences of Cardiac Hypertrophy"

1993 Paul Vanhoutte, MD, PhD
"Endothelium and Cardiovascular Diseases"

1992 Bernardo Nadal-Ginard, MD
"Molecular Aspects of Cardiac Growth and Hypertrophy: Prospects for Cardiac Regeneration"

1991 Allyn Mark, MD
"The Advance of Human Cardiovascular and Neural Physiology"

1990 K. Lance Gould, MD
"Measuring Severity of Coronary Artery Stenosis Experimental Basis and Clinical Implications"

1989 Francis J. Klocke, MD
"Coronary Pressure-Flow Relationships: Debates and Dilemmas During the 1980s"

1988 John Ross, Jr., MD
"Pathophysiology of Exercise-Induced Regional Ischemia and Approach to Therapy"

1987 Brian R. Duling, PhD
"The Vasculature as a Communication Network"

1986 Stephen F. Vatner, MD
"Autonomic Control of the Circulation in the Conscious Animal"

1985 Barry M. Brenner, MD
"Actions of Atrial Peptides on the Kidney"

1984 Hermes A. Kontos, MD, PhD
"Oxygen Radicals in Cerebral Vascular Injury"

1983 Michael J. Brody, PhD
"The Central Nervous System in Hypertension: Links Between Neural and Humoral"

1982 Robert M. Berne, MD
"Current Controversies in the Regulation of Coronary Blood Flow"

1981 Francois M. Abboud, MD
"Reflex Control of the Circulation - An Integrated View"

1980 Salomon Z. Langer, MD
"Subclassification of -Adrenoceptros Into 1 and 2 Types: Relevance to Cardiovascular Effects of Drugs"


1979 John T. Shepherd, MD, DSc
"Local Modulation of Adrenergic Transmitter Release"

1978 Bjorn Folkow, MD
"Some Structural and Functional Interactions of Importance for Cardiovascular Homeostasis"

1977 Julien I.E. Hoffman, MD
"Determinants and Prediction of Transmural Myocardial Perfusion"

1976 Allen M. Scher, PhD
"Carotid and Aortic Regulation of Blood Pressure"

1975 Thomas N. James, MD
"Small Arteries of the Heart"

1974 Curt A. Welderhelm, PhD
"Microcirculatory Function in Health and Disease: The Evolution of Concepts and Technology"

1973 Edgar Haber, MD
"The Role of Renin in Cardiovascular Homeostasis"

1972 R.J. Linden (Professor)
"Identification and Function of Cardiac Receptors"

1971 Theodore Cooper, MD
"Socialization of Medical Research"

1970 Eugene Braunwald, MD
"The Contractile State, State of the Myocardium Theoretical Considerations and Clinical Implications"

1969 Louis J. Tobian, Jr., MD
"Clues for Unraveling the Hypertension Problems"

1968 William E. Huckabee, MD
"Regulation of Cardiac Minute Volume"

1967 Eugene M. Landis, MD
"Capillary Pressure & Permeability Concepts, Methods, & Questions"

1966 Henry A. Schroeder, MD
"Cadmium, Chromium & Cardiovascular Disease"

1965 James F. Toole, MD
"Interarterial Shunts in the Cerebral Circulation"

1964 John B. Hickman, MD
"Studies of the Human Retinal Circulation"

1963 John Eager Howard, MD
"Hypertension as Related to Renal Ischemia"

1962 Donald E. Gregg, MD
"Physiology of the Coronary Circulation"

1961 Robert W. Wilkins, MD
"Physiology of the Peripheral Circulation"

1960 Stanley E. Bradley, MD
"Clinical Physiology of the Splanachnic Circulation"


1959 Ludwig W. Eichna, MD
"Circulatory Congestion and Heart Failure"

1958 Lewis Thomas, MD
"Role of Hypertensitivity in Cardiovascular Disease"

1957 Nelson W. Baker, MD
"Current Evaluation of the Thrombosis Problem"

1956 George Burch, MD
"Oxygen Tension of Tissues In Vivo"

1955 George Burch, MD
"Digital Rheoplethysmography"

1954 Alan C. Burton, MD
"The Control of the Peripheral Circulation by the Walls of the Blood Vessels"

1953 David P. Barr, MD
"Some Chemical Factors in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis"

1952 Isaac Starr, MD
"Physiological Considerations Concerned with the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Obstructive Vascular Disease"

1951 Irving S. Wright
"Pathogenesis and Treatment of Thrombosis"

1950 Edgar V. Allen
"Fifteen Years of Progress in Cardiovascular Disease: The Role of the American Heart Association in Research"

1949 Walter H. Seegers
"Blood Coagulation and the Practical Significance of Recent Advances in our Knowledge of Prothrombin and Acglobulin"

1948 Irvine H. Page, MD
"On the Nature and Treatment of Shock"

1946 D.C. Elkin, MD
"Arteriovenous Aneurysm: The Effects on the Circulation"

1946 Helen B. Taussig, MD, and Alfred Blalock, MD
"A Consideration of Approximately 400 Patients with Pulmonary Stenosis or Atresia Who Were Treated by Surgical Means"

1942 Major Harry G. Armstrong, MD
"The Effect of Flight on the Cardiovascular System" (Note: Dr. Armstrong was unable to appear. Dr. P. McMasters delivered a lecture on LYMPHATICS)

1941 Alfred Blalock, MD
"Peripheral Circulatory Failure"

1940 Henry C. Bazett, MD
"Blood Volume and Cardiovascular Adjustments"

1939 Cecil K. Drinker, MD
"Physiological Considerations of the Formation and Movements of Lymph"

1938 Eliot R. Clark, MD
"Certain Aspects of the Behavior of Peripheral Blood Vessels as Observed Microscopically in the Living Mammal"

1937 Walter B. Cannon, MD
"Factors Affecting Vascular Tone"


The award will be presented at Scientific Sessions.

The honoree will also receive:

  • Honorarium of $1,000
  • Complimentary registration to Scientific Sessions 
  • Two (2) complimentary tickets to the Council Dinner 
  • Engraved plaque
  • Round-trip coach airfare to Scientific Sessions
  • Hotel reimbursement (room + tax) for one night at the conference rate;
  • Ground transportation to and from the airport;
  • Meal reimbursement up to $70


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